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Клещи универсални кабелозачистващи L 210мм-FORCE (6805A) - ZIMBER - TOOLS.

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Клещи универсални кабелозачистващи L 210мм-FORCE.Heavy duty stripper pliers L 210, 6805A- FORCE.
his automatic, spring loaded Wire Stripping Plier strips inner and outer sheaths on wires and cables 0.2 - 6 mm².
The pliers have crimping capability and are colour coded for crimps on common insulated and non insulated terminals 1.5 - 6 mm². In addition, they also have an integrated wire cutter.
The wire stripping pliers have an adjustable stripping depth, with a slider that allows fast pre-setting of pre-determined strips 6 - 18mm². In addition, they allow an adjustable stripping force for strips on smaller cables

Availability: На склад

38,80 лв.
Каталожен №: 6805A
38,80 лв.

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Клещи универсални кабелозачистващи L 210мм-FORCE.

Heavy duty stripper pliers L 210, 6805- FORCE.
his automatic, spring loaded Wire Stripping Plier strips inner and outer sheaths on wires and cables 0.2 - 6 mm².
The pliers have crimping capability and are colour coded for crimps on common insulated and non insulated terminals 1.5 - 6 mm². In addition, they also have an integrated wire cutter.
The wire stripping pliers have an adjustable stripping depth, with a slider that allows fast pre-setting of pre-determined strips 6 - 18mm². In addition, they allow an adjustable stripping force for strips on smaller cables

Допълнителна информация

Допълнителна информация

Каталожен № 6805A
Производител FORCE


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Клещи пристягащи 155 mm.ф15- ZL-1801C -ZIMBER TOOLS

Редовен Цена: 9,90 лв.

Промоция: 8,90 лв.

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